Here are five things that happened this past month that affect your small business.
1) There’s a tight labor market nationwide these days, and it’s giving workers more leverage.
The economy’s recovery is giving low-wage workers more… 15:03:032021-09-28 15:04:26Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in June 2021
Creating a successful business requires a good idea combined with skill, talent, and ambition. But even if you have all of those elements, you may end up falling short if you can’t raise the capital that you need to move forward.
No entrepreneur… 14:59:542021-09-28 15:01:33Raising Capital for Your Startup: The Basics
Operating a restaurant is a dream for many, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. There are far more restaurants and food-related businesses that fail than succeed, and that’s frequently because entrepreneurs spend more time focusing… 14:48:562021-09-28 14:51:59Accounting for Restaurants: Setting Your Business up for Success
Do you own a second home at the beach, in the mountains, or some other getaway location, or are you thinking about buying one? If so, then you may have thought about the possibility of renting it out. Though many people would never consider… 14:44:392021-09-28 14:48:26Tax Issues Related to Renting Your Vacation Home
If you are recently divorced or are contemplating divorce, you will have to deal with or plan for significant tax issues such as asset division, alimony, and tax-return filing status. If you have children, additional issues include child support;… 14:40:572021-09-28 14:44:20Taxes and Divorce
With the ever-increasing complexity of our tax system, it is commonplace for many small businesses to make mistakes with bookkeeping and filing. One way to avoid making errors is to be aware of the most commonly encountered pitfalls. Here are… 14:38:342021-09-28 14:40:44Recordkeeping Tips to Keep the IRS Away
If you’re a small business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, mergers and acquisitions probably sound like something that happens at an entirely different operational level from the one where you live and work. But if you’ve put the time… 14:34:512021-09-28 14:38:19Mergers and Acquisitions 101 for Small Business Owners
Investment can be a wonderful opportunity, but it also involves a completely unfamiliar set of rules when it comes to your taxes. Whether you are considering becoming a franchisee or are already involved, it’s important that you have the support… 14:26:282021-09-28 14:34:40Tax Planning to Help New Franchisees
If opening your credit card bills, your checkbook, or your wallet are traumatic events, you may have a problem with overspending. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and you’re certainly not alone, but there’s a good chance that it is keeping… 14:24:392021-09-28 14:25:474 Ways to Stop Your Overspending
Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in June 2021
Raising Capital for Your Startup: The Basics
Accounting for Restaurants: Setting Your Business up for Success
Tax Issues Related to Renting Your Vacation Home
Taxes and Divorce
Recordkeeping Tips to Keep the IRS Away
Mergers and Acquisitions 101 for Small Business Owners
Tax Planning to Help New Franchisees
4 Ways to Stop Your Overspending