
Important Things to Know About IRAs

The individual retirement account (IRA) is one of the favored ways to save money for retirement. There are two types of IRAs: the traditional IRA and the Roth IRA. The annual maximum that an individual can be contributing between the two types…
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Divorced, Separated, Married or Widowed This Year? Unpleasant Surprises May Await You at Tax Time

Taxpayers are frequently blindsided when their filing status changes because of a life event such as marriage, divorce, separation or the death of a spouse. These occasions can be stressful or ecstatic times, and the last thing most people will…

How to Save for a Child’s College Education

A frequently asked question is, “How might I save for a child’s college education?” The answer depends on how much the education is expected to cost and how much time is left until the child heads off to college or university. The amount…
Tax Free Gifting

Early Year-End Tax Planning To Take Advantage Of Possible Tax Reform

So, why do we think early tax planning is appropriate this year? Actually, with the prospect of major tax reform on the horizon, some strategies can be employed before the end of the year that can substantially reduce your 2017 tax bill. The…
Capital Building
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Following Congress on its Path to Tax Reform

As Congress begins debating tax reform, you might be interested in an overview of the GOP’s proposed changes so you’ll have an understanding of what the proposals actually entail as you follow the debate and won’t have to rely on politically…
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Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

Many retirees have insufficient financial resources to keep up with inflation and the ever-increasing costs of medical care. What options do these seniors have, especially if they have a mortgage on their home and their retirement income is…
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Enhance Your Cash Flow, Enhance Your Business: The Top Tips You Need to Know

We've discussed at length in the past about how cash flow is ultimately one of the most important factors of a business that far too many people just aren't paying enough attention to. Cash flow maintenance is about more than just knowing how…
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Tips for Recently Married Taxpayers

Now that the honeymoon is over, there is a number of tax and financial issues newlyweds need to consider and take action on. Some are simply administrative while others can have significant impact on the couple’s tax returns. If you’ve recently…
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What Is an RMD?

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are required distributions from qualified retirement plans. RMDs are commonly associated with traditional IRAs, but they also apply to 401(k)s and SEP IRAs. The tax code does not allow taxpayers to keep…