January 2018 Individual Due Dates
January 2 - Time to Call For Your Tax Appointment -
January is the beginning of tax season. If you have not made an appointment to have your taxes prepared, we encourage you to do so before the calendar becomes too crowded.
January 10…

Senate Passes Tax Bill; What’s Next?
The Senate GOP finally brought their version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act out of committee and before the full Senate, and it passed by a narrow margin of 51-49 down party lines. The only dissenting Republican Senator was Bob Corker of Tennessee,…

Following Congress on its Path to Tax Reform
As Congress begins debating tax reform, you might be interested in an overview of the GOP’s proposed changes so you’ll have an understanding of what the proposals actually entail as you follow the debate and won’t have to rely on politically…

Hiring The Right Employee Can Get You A Big Tax Credit
If you are an employer who is willing to help disadvantaged individuals, you could benefit from a substantial federal tax credit. Hiring certain new employees can qualify you for the work opportunity tax credit (WOTC).
The WOTC is typically…

When Business Meals and Entertainment Are Deductible
An often asked question is: are meals and entertainment deductible in the course of one’s business, and if so, under what circumstances? This type of expense requires you to comply with some pretty complicated qualifications, and if you can…

When Is a Charitable Contribution Appraisal Required?
A commonly overlooked requirement of taking a tax deduction for donating clothing and household goods to charity is the substantiation requirement, for both what is donated and the value placed on the donation. Because the IRS has encountered…

A Novel Way to Make Hurricane Harvey and Irma Relief Donations
As they have done before in the wake of disasters, including Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy, the Internal Revenue Service is providing special relief that allows employees to donate their unused paid vacation, sick leave, and personal…

Some of the most commonly seen tax issues that can arise from a divorce
If you are in the midst of a divorce, if one is on the horizon, or if you are involved in a dispute with an ex-spouse over the terms of your divorce, you need to be aware that divorce agreements establish your rights related to each other under…

Gambling and Tax Gotchas
Gambling is a recreational activity for many taxpayers, and as one might expect, the government takes a cut if you win and won’t allow you to claim a loss in excess of your winnings. In fact, there are far more tax issues related to gambling…