Protecting Yourself from Scams, ID Theft and Cyber Criminals

As much as the Internet has changed our lives for the good, it has also opened us up to threats from crooks from all over the world. They are smart and always coming up with a new trick to separate you from your hard-earned dollars or with…

Don’t Be Scammed by Fake Charities

Each year at this time, the IRS publishes its list of the “dirty dozen” tax scams. Among the dirty dozen are groups that masquerade as charitable organizations to attract donations from unsuspecting contributors. Before you write a check,…
Tax Scams

Along with Tax Season Come the Scams; Don’t Be a Victim

One thing we can count on when tax season begins is the scammers coming out from under their rocks with schemes to try and trick you so they can steal your ID and file returns under your Social Security number (SSN). Or, they may even email…

How to Check Your Credit Report for Evidence of Identity Theft

Imagine finding the home of your dreams. It's the perfect location, the perfect style, even the perfect price. Excitedly, you start the loan application process. You know this part of the process will be easy since you've always paid your bills…

10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Online Identity Theft

Identity theft is becoming a bigger problem as more and more people are making the internet a bigger part of their lives. You may not think that an accounting or tax firm should worry about identity theft, but it is a major problem for us these…