Employees’ Fringe Benefits after Tax Reform
Tax reform made a lot of changes, some of which impacted employees’ fringe benefits. This article reviews the most frequently encountered fringe benefits, including those that were and were not impacted by tax changes. These changes can affect…

The Tax Benefits of Going Green
Congress uses tax deductions and tax credits to
influence taxpayers’ actions. For instance, it seeks to stimulate taxpayers to reduce
their energy consumption and moving away from the use of fossil fuels. In this
article, we explore the benefits…

Tax Benefits for Members of the Military
members benefit from a variety of special tax benefits. These include certain
non-taxable allowances, non-taxable combat pay, and a variety of other special
tax provisions. Here is a rundown on the most prominent of the tax benefits.…

April 2019 Individual Due Dates
April 1 - Last Day to Withdraw Required Minimum
Last day to withdraw 2018’s required minimum
distribution from Traditional or SEP IRAs for taxpayers who turned 70½ in 2018.
Failing to make a timely withdrawal may result in…

Short-Term Rental, Special Treatment
With the advent of
online sites such as Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway, many individuals have taken to
renting out their first or second home through these online rental sites, which
match property owners with prospective renters. If you are doing…

Increased Business-Vehicle Deductions Due to Tax Reform
Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018 and other tax reforms have brought about significant changes
in the way that vehicle use is deducted for business purposes. Before getting
into these changes, it is appropriate to first provide a review of the…

Vacation Home Rentals: How the Income Is Taxed
If you have a second home in a resort area,
or if you have been considering acquiring a second home or vacation home, you
may have questions about how rental income is taxed for a part-time
vacation-home rental. The applicable rental rules…

Filing a 1099-MISC May Now Apply to Landlords. Are You Collecting the Needed W-9s?
If you use independent contractors to perform services for
your business or your rental that is a trade or business, for each individual whom
you pay $600 or more for the year, you are required to issue the service
provider and the IRS a Form…

January 2019 Individual Due Dates
January 2 - Time to
Call For Your Tax Appointment -
January is the beginning of tax season. If you
have not made an appointment to have your taxes prepared, we encourage you to
do so before the calendar becomes too crowded.